The Payroll Exceptions Report

Monday, April 06, 2009 |

The Payroll Exceptions Report

Accessing the report

The report can be accessed by using the menu path: 
Human Resources -> Payroll -> Countryxx -> Subsequent activities -> Per payroll period -> Lists/statistics

The report can also be accessed from SE38 using the report name RPCEXCX0 or by using transaction code PC00_M08_CEXC

The purpose of this report is to list exception messages (per employee) for a given payroll run. For example, a payment which exceeds the maximum limit specified in the tolerance group.


You can run the report without doing much of the configuration. The report can be enhanced further by undertaking config which is specific to your company.

The configuration is done in the payroll part of the IMG. Look for the entry “Exception Handling” in your country menu for payroll.

There are two steps in the configuration of this report.

The first one revolves around the feature “EXCEP”. This feature is used to assign a tolerance group to different groups of employees. Generally the feature will make a decision on country code and then assign a specific tolerance group to all your employees.

The second step which can be configured relates to the specific message within the tolerance group. You can create your own messages here. This is useful if you have specific rules relating to different wagetypes. The rules can be set on table fields as well.

The configuration is quite straight forward. Look at all the different settings and see which ones can be used within your organisation.

If you have certain rules which are to be used for specific groups of individuals, you can use the feature to create different tolerance groups. The different tolerance groups can then be assigned to different rules.

Running the report

Upon executing this report, the SAP R/3 System allocates a message and severity number to the exception. The severity number will either be a warning or an information message.

The category Error is not used, as any errors that are detected would cause the payroll calculation to fall over for that employee.

The report is displayed via the SAP List Viewer. If you need more information on how to best configure the output of the report, see in the SAP Library : SAP R/3 Enterprise Application Components -> Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions -> SAP List Viewer.

The report prints the statistics from the payroll run as follows:

Employees selected for processing - indicates the number of employees for whom the exception reporting was run.
Employees processed in payroll - indicates the number of employees who have a payroll result in the selected payroll period.
Employees processed for exception reporting - indicates the number of employees for whom exception messages were generated (in the selected period).


You obviously need to have run and saved payroll results which the report can use.


The output of the report is either Statistic or Exception Reporting

Selection Criteria

Enter the required payroll area and period you wish to report on.
In the section titled “additional data”, you can specify the selection criteria to search for exceptions - based on the message class and number. The HR message classes generally starts with a 5 followed by a letter. For example the message class for the UK is 5G.

You can narrow it down further by inserting specific message numbers or at least a range of numbers.

Set the indicator in the field Messages for retro periods, if you would like exception reporting to be processed for retroactive payroll runs.


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