Config Steps for Absence Quota

Monday, April 06, 2009 |

Steps to generate Absence quotas:
Absence quota:
1. Group personal sub areas for Attendances and Absences.
Menu  Time data recording-->Time management-->Path: SPRO&  Group personal sub areas for-->Absence catalog-->Absences-->administration Attendances and Absences.
Here, first you need to do PSG grouping for Attendances & Absences. 

2. Define Absence Type
Define Absence Type.-->Absence catalog-->Absences-->Time data recording and Administration-->Menu Path: Time Management
Click on New Entries; Create an Absence type with a 4 character’s code. 

3. Determine Entry Screens and Time Constraint Classes
Menu Time data recording and-->Path: Time Management Determine Entry Screens and Time-->Absence Catalog-->Absence-->Administration Constraint Classes.
 Here find the Absence Type that you have created. Click on Magnifying glass or Ctrl+Shift_F2.
Here, by specifying the screen number for attendance type and absence type, you determine which screen is to be used for entering, displaying and maintaining records. Select screen number field and press F1.Give screen number that suits your requirement. 
 Quota deduction-->Ex.2001
 No quota deduction-->2051

4. Define Counting Classes for Period Work Schedule.
Menu  Absences-->Time data recording and Administration -->Path: Time Management  Define Counting Classes for--> Absence Counting --> Absence Catalog --> Period Work Schedule.
Here, select your PWS and give counting class range 01-09.
Counting classes: Counting classes for PWS are used to evaluate absences& attendances. Use different counting classes for PWS with long DWS &many Dayoff’s.When you maintain a counting class you must define a separate rule for each Counting class.)

For Employee sub groups
5. Group Employee sub groups for Time Quotas.
Menu --> Absences-->Time data recording and Administration-->Path: Time Management --> Rules for absence counting (New)--> Absence Counting -->Absence Catalog  Group Employee sub groups for Time Quotas.
Here select you Employee group & Group Employee sub groups for Time Quotas give number ranging from 1-9.

For Personnel sub areas
6. Group Personnel sub areas for Time Quotas
Menu --> Absences-->Time data recording and Administration-->Path: Time Management --> Rules for absences counting (New)--> Absence Counting-->Absence Catalog  Group Personnel sub areas for Time Quotas.
Here select your & Group Personnel sub areas for Time Quotas give number ranging from 01-99.

7. Define Absence Quota
Menu  Managing-->Time data recording and Administration-->Path: Time Management --> Time Quota Types-->Time Accounts using Attendance/Absence Quotas  Define Absence Quota Types.
Definition of Absence quota: Here we define valid absence quota types with 2 digit code (entitlement to time off & leave types) for your employee group& personal sub area’s grouping for time quotas. Why we define Absence quota, because, in this we define unit of time measurement whether you want the entitlement to time off to be maintained in Hours or in Days.

8. Permit Quota Generation without Time evaluation
Menu  Managing-->Time data recording and Administration-->Path: Time Management  Calculating Absence-->Time Accounts using Attendance/Absence Quotas   Permit Quota--> Automatic Accrual of Absence Quotas -->Entitlements  Generation without Time evaluation
Here we define, to transfer the left absence quota for next year or not.
Select the Absence quota and click “No generate” (Radio button).

9. Specify Rule groups for Quota type selection.
Menu  Managing-->Time data recording and Administration-->Path: Time Management  Calculating Absence-->Time Accounts using Attendance/Absence Quotas  Specify Rule groups--> Rules for Generating Absence Quotas -->Entitlements  for Quota type selection.

Here we give one 2 digit code (01-99) for quota type selection, that what we mention in QUOMO feature.

10. Set Base Entitlement
Menu  Managing-->Time data recording and Administration-->Path: Time Management  Calculating Absence-->Time Accounts using Attendance/Absence Quotas   Set Base--> Rules for Generating Absence Quotas -->Entitlements  Entitlement.
Select Base Entitlement for Absence Quota Generation and Click on “Choose: button
Click on “New Entries”, to enter the data.
Base Entitlement: Why we define this is, here we evaluate number of eligibility days for the Absence quota. And we assign this to Absence quota that we created earlier.

11. Determine Validity and Deduction Periods.
Menu  Managing-->Time data recording and Administration-->Path: Time Management  Calculating Absence-->Time Accounts using Attendance/Absence Quotas  Determine Validity--> Rules for Generating Absence Quotas -->Entitlements  and Deduction Periods.
Click on “New Entries” to enter the data.
We define Validity & deduction periods, as you want to define as per calendar year, Accrual period etc.
12. Define Generating rules for Quota Type Selection.
Menu  Managing-->Time data recording and Administration-->Path: Time Management  Calculating Absence-->Time Accounts using Attendance/Absence Quotas   Define Generating--> Rules for Generating Absence Quotas -->Entitlements  rules for Quota Type Selection.
13. Define Deduction Rules for Absence and Attendance Quotas
Menu  Managing-->Time data recording and Administration-->Path: Time Management  Quota Deduction Using-->Time Accounts using Attendance/Absence Quotas   Define Deduction Rules for Absence and Attendance-->Attendance /Absences Quotas

Click on “New Entries” to enter the data.
We define deduction rules according to which attendance & absences are to be deducted from the Attendances & Absence quotas. Actually the quota deduction did not depend on individual Absence/Attendances types, but it is determined by the counting rules for Absences/Attendances that are counting rules assigned to an Attendances &Absences types

Select “Define deduction Rules for Absence Quotas” and Click on “Choose” button.

Go and Click on “New Entries” and enter the data
14. Define Counting rules
Menu  Absences-->Time data recording and Administration -->Path: Time Management  Rules for absence counting--> Absences Counting --> Absence Catalog -->  Define Counting Rules-->(New)
Click on New Entries; enter the data as of your requirement.
Counting rules: We define counting rules for counting Attendances & Absences. The rules are used to determine the payroll days & hours for an Attendance & Absence type. The payroll days and hours that have been counted are used to control the deduction of 

15. Assign counting rule to Absence type

Menu  Absences-->Time data recording and Administration -->Path: Time Management  Assign Counting rules to--> Absences Counting --> Absence Catalog --> Absence Types

16. Set Personnel Sub area grouping’s for Time Recording 
 Set Personnel Sub area grouping’s for Time Recording.-->Time Evaluation setting-->Menu Path: Time Management
Select your personnel sub area and give the 2digit code, for grouping and give the same digit for Personnel Sub area grouping’s for Time Recording. While creating the Attendance /Absence type. 
Run Absence quota: The Transaction code to run Absence quota is SE38.In SE38 we generally use to run the SAP Reports.

Give SE38, and give report RPTQTA00, to run Absence quota.



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