Configuring personnel actions

Monday, April 06, 2009 |

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

Menu  extended table maintenance  table maintenance  services System T588C

Transaction Code SM30 

2. Make a check on User-dep. 
Menu type Menu Text User-dep.
G Y1 Hiring Service Provider checked

IMG Menu  Customizing Procedures  Personnel Administration Personnel Management Define infogroupsActions 

Transaction Code SPRO

User group dependency on menus and info groups 
Menu Text User-dep. Reaction Ref.
Y1 Checked blank 01

Customizing Personnel Administration IMG Menu Personnel Management Set up personnel actions Actions Procedures 

Transaction Code SPRO

Action type Name of action type FC Employ-ment Spec. pymt Check P PA EG ES IG U0000
Y1 1 3 1 _blank x x x x Y1 x

Creating Reasons for Personnel Actions

 Personnel Administration IMG Menu Personnel Management Create reasons for personnel Actions Customizing Procedures actions

Transaction Code SPRO

Reason for Action:
Action Name of action type Act.reason Name of reason for action
Y1 blank blank

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

  extended table maintenance  table maintenance  services System VV_T588C_M_AL0

Transaction Code SM30 

2. Choose menu type M.
3. Entry table VV_T588C_M_ALO and make a check on User-dep. 
Menu type Menu Text User-dep. Reaction Ref.
M 01 Actions checked 01

Action Menu


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
extended table maintenance  services Menu System V_588B_Mtable maintenance 

Transaction Code SM30 

2. Choose menu type M and menu 01.

3. Make the following entry. 
Usergroup No Action Name of action type
01 20 Y1 Hiring action services


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