Best Sub-modules of SAP HR

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 | 0 comments »


What would considered the two hottest submodule of SAP HR?
1- Payroll?
2- Time Management?
3- Personal Administration?
4- Benefits?
5- Organizational Management?
As a SAP HR Consultant, but since in training know what would be the best option within the HCM.

Prob Ans:

It all depends in your country of residence in europe:

  • payroll is no 1(very complicated)

  • time management follows (less complicated than payroll)

  • personell administration

  • org management are basic modules which doesn't need alot of knowledge

  • benefits is used in few countries like usa and canada

  • Best take the payroll if not time management

  • Talent Management. SAP is improving its solution and many companies decided to make more value of its HCM SAP system.

 I hope this wil be usefull to starter for SAP HR Consultant.

University Resources for SAP Tutorials


Because I’m a college student, it has been many times i have collected useful course documents from other college’s sites to make my study easier. Well, this is valid for improving my SAP knowledge also though this is uncommon for many practicers. There are a plenty of University resources that you can benefit at the utmost. Recently you must have seen SAP Online Training sites provide interactive user guides which are created by Adobe Captivate application. Like Michaelmanagement provides, you can view the demo. This tool also tempts my interest, to create certification tests, end-user guides and presentations.

For the resources, not sure how long they will be for free but, the University of Tennesse also provides a bunch of interactive video tutorials for various modules like FICO, HR, Reporting, Workflow etc. You can see a demo tutorial for FV60 transaction HERE. You will also find step by step pdf documents, or pages there.

For other resources please visit

HCM End User Manuals


Find below end user guides for the following processes

  • Change House Building Loan

  • Create Income Text Data

  • Creat Cycle Loan/Installment/Interest/Repayment

  • Posting of Payroll Results to GL Account

Download HR End User Manuals

SAP HR Interview Questions


You might feel that the answers to the following questions are “canned”, and that they will seldom match up  with the exact way you are asked the questions in actual interviews. The questions and answers are  designed to be as specific and realistic as possible. But no preparation can anticipate thousands of possible variations on these questions. What’s important is that you thoroughly familiarize yourself with the main  strategies behind each answer. And it will be invaluable to you if you commit to memory a few key words that let you instantly call to mind your best answer to the various questions. If you do this, and follow the  principles of successful interviewing presented here, you’re going to do very well.

Download SAP HR Interview Questions

HR/Payroll Integration with ERP Financials


With this presentation you will learn the key integration points between the HR/Payroll functions and Financials, understand the fundamentals for the transfer between payroll and financials and useful tips for configuration. Followings topics to be covered;

  • Understanding How Payroll Updates FI/CO

  • Utilizing the Payment Program

  • Mapping Payroll Components to FI/CO

  • Defining Third-Party Remittance Components

  • Narrowing in on Tax Authorities

  • Reconciling Using the Payroll Reconciliation Report

Download HR/Payroll Integration with ERP Financials Presentation

Configuration Module Pools to be used in infotype (HCM)


How to access to the Module pools configuration int he SAP HCM module ERP 2006 (Example: IT 0002 is maintained through MP000200 and MP000200_CE what is the configuration driving the module pool to be used ?


It is available in ECC and not earlier releases like 46c.

If you go to IMG and search for 'concurrent', you will find a few steps where it is required to configure for this type of employment. (eg. Actions for Concurrent Employment, Activate Concurrent Employment for Personnel Administration, Assign Concurrent Employment Grouping Values to Registration Numbers, etc.)

For each step, you will find hyper text when you click the 'hand' button (when you put the cursor on it 'it shows up text 'IMG activity documentation'). This will guide you to do the config for the step.

For example under Personnel Mamagement->Personnel Admin->Personnel Admin for concurrent employment - you will use the "CCURE MAINS" switch where CCURE is the Group and MAINS is Semantic Abbrev. Under value - enter the start for implementing this concurrent employment in the system. You usually put the implementation date of the ECC version as the value.

You need to do all the IMG activities. Then test the same and change where you need or add any required user exits or BAPIs.

HR Forms and Processes


SAP HCM Processes and Forms is the new SAP standard for processing form-based requests requiring an approval.
In this session, you will take a detailed look at this framework, features & benefits, system requirements and implementation steps.


What is HCM Processes and Forms framework?
System Requirements for HCM Processes and Forms
HCM Processes and Forms from the User Perspective
HR Administrator Portal Role
HCM Processes and Forms vs PCRs
SAP-Delivered Processes
Configuration of HCM Processes and Forms

Download HR Forms and Processes

ESS Personal Information UI enhancement without modification

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 | 0 comments »

1. Infotype screenstructure enhancement

First of all you need to determine the screenstructure for the Infotype you want to enhance. Therefor call transaction SM30 and analyse table view V_T588UICONVCLAS.

Figure 1: screenstructure and convertingclass assignment

The screenstructure above is used in various Function Moduls right from the Web Dynpro Frontend Application. In figure 2 you see a bunch of Modelclasses which do represent different Function Moduls. Lets take the HRXSS_PER_EDIT_0006_DE for instance (Figure 3).

Figure 2: Modelclasses

Figure 3: Function Module "HRXSS_PER_EDIT_P0006_DE"

As you can see, the above Function Module uses the structure HCMT_BSP_PA_DE_R0006 for its main record. As we now have determined the screenstructure in question, its time to enhance it with a custom field. In order to enhance the sctructure, simply view it with transaction SE11 and double click on the include at the bottom CI_DE_R0006.

Once you have added your custom field, the structure could look like in figure 4.

If you do not need to add a new custom field to the front end, but just an already existing field of the Infotype record, you do not have to do anything at this point.

Figure 4: Structure "HCMT_BSP_PA_DE_R0006"


Your Server where the Web Dynpro ESS applications are deployed to have to be restartet each time you add/remove/change a custom field!

Alternativly use the aRFC Metadata Invalidation tool, provided with NW 7.0 SPS 10+ and NW 6.40 SPS 10+

2. Implement BAdI "HRPAD00INFTYUI"

The screenstructure we have currently enhanced does represent the data which is available during runtime at the ESS WD Frontend Application. Having the data available at the frontend isn't sufficient at all, so we have to somehow map the data to the backend infotype record datastructure. This is done using the BAdI HRPAD00INFTYUI. This BAdI is part of the New Infotype Framework (NITF) which decouples the UI (User Interface) from the business logic. More about decoupled Infotypes can be found at the SAP Online Help Developing an Infotype in Personnel Administration -> Infotype Concept -> Decoupling Infotypes.

Figure 5

The BAdI consists of 2 Methods which are relevant in our ESS scenarios.

  • IF_EX_HRPAD00INFTYUI~INPUT_CONVERSION: Converts the data from the frontend to the backend datastructure. If you want to enter data at the frontend and want the data be available at the backend as well, this method has to be implemented.

  • IF_EX_HRPAD00INFTYUI~OUTPUT_CONVERSION: Converts the data from the backend to the frontend datastructure.


Useful Information

You can use the Converting Classes from tableview V_T588UICONVCLAS as an implementation example. (E.g.: CL_HRPA_UI_CONVERT_BASIC)

3. ImplicitWeb Dynpro UI Personalization

First of all, the Web Dynpro UI personalization does only work if your Web Dynpro application is embedded into a Web Dynpro iView (Web Dynpro Page Builder) and runs in a Netweaver Portal 7.0 and above.

More information about the Web Dynpro personalization can be found at the SAP Help: SAP Online Help

To perform the UI personalization, you have to have at least the Portal Content Administrator role assigned to your user.

Adding a customer enhancement field

Open an ESS Personal Data iView in preview mode (e.g. Address iView)

Figure 7

Press CTRL + Right Mouse Button where you want your customer field added.

On the left container, choose the Transparent Container where you want your new customer field to be added.

Figure 8

Click on "Edit Custom Extension Fields"

Figure 9

You should now see each field you have added to the include structure (figure 4). To enable the field, just select "Visibile".

Figure 10

You can also define your UI element type. In most cases you should select "Input field" or just leave it to Automatic.

But you could also select other UI Element types like Drop Down list and Radio Button Group as shown in figures 10 and 11

Figure 11

Figure 12

Once you click on "Apply", your fields are shown on the screen. (Here: Name and Number)

Figure 13

To further personalize your new fields, you can simply CTRL + Right Mouse Button on the new UI elements.

Figure 14

On the left hand side you see that the new fields (Number and Name) have been added to the UI Element tree. Here you can now change the Label Text or any other property available to fit your needs.

Useful Information

As the ESS applications use the road map patter and you want to have your customer field shown on every road map step you have to manually add your customer field to each road map view.
To support different languages, you have to manually add you customer field to each iView of the respective language.

4. Translations

Every UI personalization does generate a new property of the object (iView/Page). These new properties can easily be translated with the Portal-Translation tool.

5. Restrictions

Datatype restriction

Datatypes for you new customer fields you add to the include structure can not be a structure and not an internal table.

Figure 15

Both results in a runtime error.

Figure 16

BizCard behaviour

The BizCard is the Overview of existing records for different subtypes you see when you enter one of the Personal data ESS applications.

Figure 17

If you want to add new fields to this view you have to consider the following behaviour.

Lets say we have 2 Subtypes defined. Each subtype has e.g. for the field COMNR a different value. (See figure 18,19)

Figure 18

Figure 19

When you add a new field for the datafield, in this case "COMNR" to the Bizcard you will realize the following behaviour.

Figure 20

Figure 21

As you can see just the last record 999999 is shown for each subtype instead of 111111 for the first and 999999 for the last record.

Logical Database


Logical database are special ABAP programs that read data from database tables. We can use logical database in a executable program by just specifying the name of the logical database in the program attributes. When you run your executable program the logical database program will also run simultaneously with it.

SAP supplies logical database for all categories.

In Human Resources (HR), the following logical databases can be used as a data source for HR InfoSets:


  • PAP

  • PCH 

  • Structure

  • Selection

  • Database Program


The structure of a logical database determines the database tables which it can access. It adopts the hierarchy of the database tables defined by their foreign key relationships. This also controls the sequence in which the tables are accessed.


Every logical database has its own selection screen. Every executable program can use the selections defined in the logical database and it can add its own specific selections.

The selection screen 1st displays the selection of the logical database followed by the selection of the calling program.

The logical database provides several selection criteria. These are divided into the following three groups:

  • Person selection

  • Sorting the person selection

  • Data selection

Database Program

The database program of a logical database is a container for special subroutines, in which the data is read from the database tables. These subroutines are called by the reporting processor in the runtime environment in a predefined sequence.

The most important functions of the logical database are:

• Data Retrieval

Using only a single get pernr statement in our executable program, the logical database can extract the data for an employee one at a time which we can use for further processing.

• Data Selection

The logical database has its own selection screen. Depending upon the selection criteria given in the logical database selection screen, it will extract the data. For ex if we want to extract all the employees from a particular payroll area, just specify that payroll area in the logical database selection screen and it will read all the employees in that payroll area. No need to write any extra code.

• Authorization

The logical database executes an authorization check for personnel data. It checks whether the master record of the user who starts the report contains the authorizations for the data that is to be read in the report. A distinction is made between a person and a data authorization. The system first checks whether the user has an authorization for the employee in accordance with the criteria of organizational assignment. Employees for which the user has no authorization are not evaluated. The system then checks whether the user is authorized to process the infotypes of the specified report.

SAP HCM Consulting companies


I’ve had numerous requests from business partners for a comprehensive list of SAP HCM consulting companies in the USA. My aim in this post is to give you a comprehensive list — let me know if I missed one.

Pure-play SAP HCM companies:

  • EPI-USE: EPI-USE America, based in Atlanta, GA, is my former employer and one of the best SAP HCM consulting companies in the world (ok, my bias). Magnisol represents EPI-USE in Europe. EPI-USE has offices in South Africa (the parent company), Mexico, the UK, and Australia. EPI-USE has some world class complimentary SAP HCM products.

  • Symphony Consulting: Symphony is based in Charlotte, NC and partners with Ariston Consulting to implement full SAP ERP projects. They recently became an SAP Public Services partner.

  • AspireHR: Formerly ERP Solutions is based in Dallas, TX. They provide SAP HCM services and they’ve developed a number of interesting products. I assume AspireHR of the UK is not a related entity. They seem to have a strong relationship with SAP’s development group in Palo Alto.

  • Exaserv: A number of former Arinso employees started Exaserv a couple of years ago. They are based in Atlanta, GA with offices in Luwembourg, Dallas, and Walldorf Germany. They have unique products for HIPPA and Pension plans.

  • Insight Consulting: Insight is based Cincinnati, OH and Insight’s managing partner is on the HR Expert advisory board.

  • Emeritis: Emeritis has operations in the US, Belguim, Thailand, and Brazil. They claim over 200 SAP HR implementations. I don’t think that they have a strong presence in the US anymore.

  • Arinso: Arinso is one of the first and the largest SAP HCM consulting company in the world. Last year Arinso was acquired by UK-based Northgate. Arinso US is based in Atlanta, GA and has 25 offices around the world. In 2006 Arinso acquired OpenHR.

  • Worklogix: Worklogix is a niche SAP HCM consultancy. They are based in Texas, New York and Canada. Their strength is SAP Performance Management. They wrote the book!

Some full service SAP ERP consulting companies have a significant SAP HCM practice. These include:

And then the big boys:

Payroll Area.


Payroll areas is used to group together employees from which payroll is run at the same time, and set the dates for payroll period. Employees from different employee subgroups can belong to the same payroll area. Basic Criteria for new Payroll area are frequency of  Payroll, Pay Date. Frequency of payroll area may be weekly , monthly, fortnightly.

Payroll areas facilitate the following functions in Payroll Accounting:

  • Personnel numbers that are to be included in the same payroll run are grouped together

  • Defines the exact date for Payroll period

  • Employees to be included in a payroll run at the same time and for the same payroll period are grouped into one payroll area

Selection criterion for many payroll processes (payroll run, the remuneration statement, and evaluation reports, etc.)

Further selection criteria can be used to select fewer employees for payroll run. Example: cost center, ESG.

Payroll Area can be defaulted using Feature ABKRS to default value for the ‘Payroll Area’ field in Infotype 0001 (Organizational Assignment).


Wage Type Structure


Wage types are the key elements in the Wage Structure and is used for assigning payments and deductions & to control Payroll program

  • Types

    • Primary Wage type:

    • Payments & deductions assigned using Primary Wage type

    • Denoted by Alpha numeric characters

    • System delivered Wage types can be copied and customized

    • Part of the Master data

  • Secondary Wage type (Technical wage type)

    • System defined wage types for internal calculations and storage like for example all commutations are stored in a Secondary wage type (Gross, net, quarterly gross etc.,)



What is all about?

  • Infotypes are information units in the Human Resources Management system. Groups of related data fields are bundled into infotypes.

  • Infotypes structure information, facilitate data entry and allow data to be saved for specific periods. Infotypes serve as templates for users to enter data.

  • From a database point of view, infotypes provide a data structure and a set of coherent data records.

  • We use a time constraint to determine how the data records of an infotype react to each other in terms of time.    


Different Info types in Personnel Administration:

  • Family

  • Working time

  • Bank details

  • Staff/job applicants

  • Org. assignment

  • Address/ personal data

Infotype Data Structure:

  • Four digit number nnnn

  • Unique identification

  • 9000 to 9999 reserved for customer infotypes


Naming Conventions for Infotypes:  

  • 0000 to 0999 – HR Master data  / Applicant data

  • 1000 to 1999 – Organizational Management

  • 2000 to 2999 – Time data                     

  • 4000 to 4999 – Applicant data    

  • 5000 to 5999 – Planning Infotypes      

  • 9000 to 9999 – Customer defined

Infotype Screens


  • Each infotype has at least three screens:

  • An initial screen ( 1000 )

    • Initial screen is used as technical interface

    • Processed in background and not displayed

  • A single screen ( 2000 )

    • Its an interface between the system and the user

    • It enables to create, display or maintain data records

  • A list screen ( 3000 )

    • Enables to list all records in info type

Declaration of Infotype in program:


            INFOTYPES:       0001,   “Infotype for Org. Assignment”

                                     0002,    “Infotype for Personal Data”

                                     0007.    “Infotype for Planned Working Time”



How to create a dynamic action (copying from one infotype to another)


Scenario :

We want SAP to copy data from a newly created / existing infotype to a specific infotype automatically.

How to do it?

Transaction Code : SPRO

IMG > Personnel Management > Personnel Administration > Customizing Procedures > Dynamic Actions

Inside the dynamic action, identify which infotype that you want to maintain, for example I want to create / maintain infotype 0185 (Personal ID) subtype 02 (Passports) and during save, I want it to copy certain fields into infotype 0702 (Documents) subtype (PASS).

IType = This is where you put which infotype that you want to create / maintain.

Sty. = This where you put the subtype.

Field N = This where you can put the exact field name within the intermediate record, in my case, I don't need to.

FC = This is for the functional character of the steps.

00 for Independent of the current function carried out

02 for Change

04 for Create

06 for Change and create

08 for Delete

10 for Change and delete

12 for Create and delete

In my case, I'm using "06" because I want the dynamic to be active during creation / maintaining an infotype.

No = This is where you specify the sequence.

S = This is for Step's Indicator.

P - Check conditions

I - Maintain infotype record

W - Set default values when creating a new record

V - Reference to another step

F - Call routine

M - Send mail

In my case, I'm using "I" for maintaining an infotype and "W" to copy and paste the fields.

Variable function part = This the codes, just like programming.

*Insert infotype 0702, subtype PASS using the Begin Date and Date from infotype 0182 subtype 02

* Copy Start Date of infotype 0185 to infotype 0702

* Copy End Date of infotype 0185 to infotype 0702

* Copy the country ID field from infotype 0185 to document country field in infotype 0702

* Copy the document numbers field in infotype 0185 to document number field in infotype 0702

* Copy the date of issue field in infotype 0185 to issue date field in infotype 0702

* Copy the issue place of the document from infotype 0185 to infotype 0702

* Copy the issue country of the document from infotype 0185 to infotype 0702


How to add text area in infotype


You want to have a text area in an infotype instead of the standard fields for your input.

How to do it?

Transaction code : SPRO

IMG > Personnel Management > Personnel Administration > Customizing Procedures > Infotypes > Infotypes

Select Infotype in the Choose activity screen

Choose the infotype that you want to allow the text area, in my case, I choose 0702

Click "Details"

Tick "Text Allowed" checkbox, this is the option that will allow text area in the infotype

How to create a custom menu in SAP


Your client want to have their own set menu which will default to their specific task / work.

How to do it?
Transaction Code : SE43

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Click "Create" button
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Key in the details for your new menu, in my case I want to create a new menu for Internation Posting
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Then click "Create Area Class"

Once inside, click on the first line, in my case I have to click Internation Posting line.
Image Hosted by

Then you can click "Add entry as subnote" or "Add entry at Same Level" to start add-in the items for your newly created menu.
Image Hosted by


For example you want to create a folder, simply click the "Add entry" button and assign a folder name and click "Continue" button.
Image Hosted by

If you want to add the transaction code to the menu, simply click the "Add entry" button and assign the action name plus the transaction code. Then click "Continue" button.
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Here's an example of what I did above.
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Done! You can use your menu by simply key in the menu name in the transaction code field. In my case I simply type ZIP and enter.

Here's the output
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How to attach files in PA30


Scenario :
You want to attach documents for your employee such as resume, screen shots of documents etc.

How to do it?
Transaction Code = PA30

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Click the "Services for object" icon, Create > Create Attachment.

Then select the file that you want to attach for the employee, click "Open"

And you are done. You can view the attachment by clicking "Services for object", Attachment list

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Configuring the Business Package for Employee Self-Service (ESS)


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Download :

DERPHR - Delta in HR (Instructor)


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Download :

ESS and WebDynpro


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Download :

Malaysia - SAP Education Online Learning

Monday, March 23, 2009 | 0 comments »

SAP Education traditionally has been classroom based Owing to the changing environment and travel constraints, we have now introduced our online offering in addition to our classroom trainings. SAP online education offers you the flexibility in terms of time and reach. Our online offerings consists of:

  • SAP eAcademy,
  • Online Knowledge Products (OKPs)
  • eLearning

SAP eAcademy


SAP Education presents SAP eAcademy – an online training which makes life a lot easier. Now you can get SAP trained at your convenience and comfort. You’ll find a range of interactive Web-based courses designed specifically to deliver knowledge wherever and whenever it’s needed.

SAP eAcademy brings you a range of SAP Training modules specially designed to help you focus your energy on your line of job. You can choose what you want to learn.

Why eAcademy?

SAP eAcademy offers you courses to match your career path. You choose what suits you best. Moreover, our courses are specially designed so that you can participate on your preferred schedule – and at a comfortable pace (just 250 hours of learning to be completed in 5 months).

At the end of it, you take home a genuine SAP Certificate – the ultimate seal of quality on your professional qualifications.

Benefits at a glance:
· Cross-functional course
* Courses focus on business content relevant to your career path

· Time Conscious
* Less time away from work
* Plan your course to suit your schedule
* Review units as many times

· Quality of the training material
* Consistent content throughout the enterprise
* Permanently updated
* Provided directly by SAP

· Quality of learning
* Small learning units
* Multi-media
* Collaboration and interaction
* Hands-on training processes linked to SAP servers in Germany

SAP Education Malaysia has collaborated with KnowledgeCom, HCL-Axon Penang & kTAR to run eAcademy course at their premises. KnowledgeCom is the only SAP partner to provide SAP e-learning courses in Kuala Lumpur whereas HCL-Axon Penang is the provider in Penang . KTAR is a newly appointed provider in Kuala Lumpur and will be up and running soon.

Course Curriculum and Course Fee:
o SAP NetWeaver – Application Development Focus ABAP @ MYR 12,779.00
o Financials – Financial Accounting @ MYR 12,779.00
o Financials – Management Accounting @ MYR 12,779.00
o HCM – Human Capital Management @ MYR 12,779.00
o SCM – Order Fulfillment @ MYR 12,779.00
o SCM – Procurement @ MYR 12,779.00
o SCM – Manufacturing @ MYR 18,000.00

* All course fees are not inclusive of MYR 1,800.00 or MYR 2,000.00 exam fee.
** There will be a 5% increase in course fee with effect on 1 April 2009.

Online Knowledge Products (OKP)

Experienced SAP consultants and customers will find Online Knowledge Products (OKP) to be the most timely and simplest way to get firsthand knowledge of new SAP solutions.

SAP Online Knowledge Products provide role-specific Learning Maps that give you timely, firsthand information on architecture and scenarios-processes-functionality, supplemented by implementation and operation guides of the newest SAP Solutions with the beginning of the SAP Solutions Ramp-Up.

Whether you are working as an implementation consultant (on the technical, application or development side), a presales consultant, a support consultant, or IT team member, the relevant SAP Online Knowledge Products will update your knowledge to the latest product release level.

SAP Online Knowledge Products have been officially specified and consolidated, both in structure and content, by SAP Filed Operations professionals according to SAP’s Skill and Competencies Framework (PACE).

They are designed for experienced consultants or comparable profile holders. Details of the prerequisites and how to gain the required profiles are listed on the relevant product pages. SAP Online Knowledge Products are developed within the framework of Ramp-Up Knowledge Transfer (RKT).

e-Learning Titles

E-learning from SAP Education enables you to:

o Improve the return on your training investment
o Increase productivity
o Reduce TCO (total cost of ownership)
o Boost motivation
o Transfer business process knowledge related to SAP effectively
o Use your time in the most efficient way
o Plan your training to suit your schedule
o Revisit or revise content at later date
o Monitor your performance
o Identify additional learning needs

To know more about OKP & E-Learning, please click here.

Contact Us

· Mr. Madhusudhan – Phone: +603-21755034 – Email:
· Ms. Sonya Chee – Phone: +603-21755168 – Email:
· Ms. Sunita Anandarajah – Phone: +603-21755021 – Email:
· Mr. Jaswani Somu Sannasia – Phone: 1800813800 (toll free) – Email:

Malaysia - SAP Education Certification Promotion


Certification Promotion – March 2009

Date: 13 March 2009

Normal Price(s):
MYR 1,800.00 (functional certifications – associate level)
MYR 2,000.00 (technical certifications – associate level)
MYR 3,000.00 (all professional certifications)

Prices after discount (20%):
MYR 1,440.00 (functional certifications – associate level)
MYR 1,600.00 (technical certifications – associate level)
MYR 2,400.00 (all professional certifications)

For a list of certifications, please click here

Certification Promotion – April 2009

Date: 17 April 2009

Normal Price(s):
MYR 1,800.00 (functional certifications – associate level)
MYR 2,000.00 (technical certifications – associate level)
MYR 3,000.00 (all professional certifications)

Prices after discount (10%):
MYR 1,620.00 (functional certifications – associate level)
MYR 1,800.00 (technical certifications – associate level)
MYR 2,700.00 (all professional certifications)

For a list of certifications, please click here

3-tier Certification

With a focus on multi-tiered certification, you can benefit from the opportunity to advance your skills within a given subject area. In addition, employers can assign resources based on more clearly-defined benchmarks, which are mapped and validated on the basis of job tasks.

Associate certification – This certification covers the fundamental knowledge requirements for an SAP consultant, ensuring the successful acquisition of broad SAP solution knowledge and skills. With associate-level certification, you can:

· Gain an externally-recognized mark of excellence that clients seek
· Differentiate yourself in a crowded marketplace
· Execute your tasks with confidence and skill
· Access a community of SAP associate-level certified peers

Professional certification – This advanced certification requires proven project experience, business process knowledge, and a more detailed understanding of SAP solutions. With professional-level certification, you can:

· Demonstrate both your experience and your expertise through a rigorous testing process
· Promote a more globally applicable accreditation with higher billable rates
· Lead as well as execute tasks and engagements
· Access a community of SAP professional-level certified peers

Master certification* – This certification involves demonstrating an expert-level understanding of a specific area of SAP software and the ability to drive innovation and solution optimization through in-depth knowledge and vision. Certification at this level requires broad project experience, comprehensive SAP product knowledge, and the ability to create a future IT vision within complex project environments. With master-level certification, you can:

· Secure your place in an exclusive community of visionary experts
· Pass a peer-reviewed, comprehensive admissions process
· Define and guide long term strategy
· Participate in master-level briefings, colloquiums, and industry events

*Masters Level Certifications not available yet. Scheduled availability: Q3 2009

For a list of certifications, please click here

In-house Certification

This is a convenient, pre-packaged certification option that you can use to run group certification sessions at your own premises, saving time and travel expenses. It is most suitable for organisations who have at least 8-10 SAP Consultants to certify and are looking for the most convenient and cost-effective method of achieving this.

Location: Your own offices
Duration: 1 day, including an exam of 2-4 hours.
Cost: As above and you will also be responsible for Proctor travel expenses (no travel expenses for offices within the Klang Valley )

The above March & April 2009 promo will apply for the in-house certifications.

Contact Us

· Mr. Madhusudhan – Phone: +603-21755034 – Email:
· Ms. Sonya Chee – Phone: +603-21755168 – Email:
· Ms. Sunita Anandarajah – Phone: +603-21755021 – Email: